But this time we decided to spend our time in NZ in a completely different way than the last time. First step: we didnt rent a car, we just depended on hitch hiking. We've heard from other backpackers that hitch hiking is really common in NZ as well as it is really save. So we decided to give it a try and if it is not working we just take the bus.
We arrived in Auckland late at night and the very next day our big hitch hiking adventure started. We were standing with a small "Bay of Islands" sign and heaps of fun in the middle of Auckland and tried to get a ride. And it worked out! 4 hours later we arrived in Paihia, a small and nice town in the Bay of Islands.
After a couple of days we decided to hitch hike back South and after a night in Auckland at Steve's place (a very nice guy who gave us a lift and invited us to stay at his place) we arrived in our new destination: Taumarunui! Again, a small village in the middle of nowhere, but not really far away from the Tongario National Park. But the real reason why we went there was cuz we wanted to visit Joel, a friend of us we met in Narry. He works in Taumuranui as sheap sharer and allowed us to visit him at the shed during work. Manu and me had the possibility to try for a couple of hours the work as woolhand.
Joel was so nice and lent us his car for a couple of days so Manu and me could visit the National Park and drive to a real Italian Pizzeria with real Italian Pizza. Thank you Joel, you were a great host!!! :)
On the 23th of December we had to leave Taumarunui to get to Hastings cuz a friend invited us to his place for Christmas. But before we went to his place, we stayed a night at another friends (Seth) place (as well sheap sharer, a friend from Narry) and we joined him to a sheap sharer party. A really funny get togheter with heaps of people from all over the world. I would say it was a really interesting party ... with really interesting people.... =) Thanks Seth, for showing us a different side of NZ!! =))
Just like described above we we spent 4 days at Brads place! Thanks to the whole familiy and especially Denise for everything!! And of course we would like to thank Brad and Rob for the invitation who were great hosts, too! :)
The next day the adventure "Rhythum and Vines" starded!! First we spent the whole afternoon with Kaleb, Kane and their friends playing drinking games. I just have to say "gelato" =)). In the evening we finally went to the festival and wooooow, just impressive!! The whole atmosphere on this festival in the middle of a vineyard was awesome!! We had soooo much fun and the end of the night with Pendulum playing the song from the R&V trailer was perfect!!! Best festival we've ever been to!! The next day we had to say goodbye to Kaleb and Kane because they were celebrating New Years Eve in Taupo (funny, everyone we know so far was spending NYE in Taupo... =)). But we were really looking forward to the life acts Six60 and Calvin Harris!! And again, it was fucking awesome!!! The Kiwiband Six60 made such a great live performance... wow!! and for everybody who has no clue aobut six60: open now youtube and listen to the songs "dont forget your roots", "rise up" and "someone to be around"!! Im sure you'll love it!!
The next day we moved to a backpackers in Taupo because Brad's uncle came back. At the backpackers we had a lot of fun at the bar, drinking beer and cider and eating BP pies, probably the best pies in NZ. :)
The next morning we woke up by a little earthquake. Kind of creepy... Even if it was not too big! Anyways, our flight was at 8 in the morning so we had to leave the hostel to go to the airport! 3,5 hours later we were back in Sydney! As we had to get to Melbourne and the busses and flights were too expensive we rented a car and drove the same day all the 900 km to Melbourne. There the four of us were reunited again!
At the end we would like to thank all the people who helped and supported us in NZ:
- Steve: drove us outside of Auckland, offered us a sleeping place, invited us for bbq and drove us in the middle of the night through Franklin Road to see the Christmas decoration
- Shane: gave us a ride from Auckland to Whangarei
- Two people who drove us outside Whangarei (remember J. Keanen)
- The old guy who drove us from Whangarei to Paihia, with a short stop in Kawakawa to show us the Hundertwasser toilet and the train
- Shane (the garage man) who gave us a lift from Paihia to Whangarei
- Gerda and Roland Jakober from Tyrol who invited us to their mansion and offered us Macchiato and Stollen
- Chocolate lady from Scotland who invited us to her mansion and gave us chocolate and allowed us to use her pool
- Aaron who drove us from Whangarei to Auckland and showed us the beautiful East Coast and drove us straight to Steve's house
- The guy who drove us from Papakura city centre to a perfect hich hiking spot
- The strange nudist, who drove us to Hamilton
- The nice maori lady who drove us to Raglan and gave us some apple jucie
- The South African family who drove us from Raglan to Taumarunui and who gave us the tip with the Italian Restaurant
- The lady who hasn't seen anything of NZ so far who drove us from Taumarunui to Turangi
- The Scotsman who gave us a ride from Turangi to Taupo
- Witty, the old guy who drove us from Taupo to Hastings
- Old lady who drove us outside Napier and bought us straweberries and peaches because she was worried we don't eat enough
- The lady who gave us a ride from Napier to Wairoa
- Kane and Kaleb who took us to Gisborne, helped us with our tent and took care of us all the time
- Family from Hamilton who camped next to us for offering us a place to stay and for driving us outside of Gisborne
- The Maori, who drove us a little bit further
- The 5 crazy guys who gave us a really, really funny lift to Napier
- The Maori who drove us from Napier to Taupo and for offering us showing us around in Napier
- Guy who drove us from Picton to Blenheim
- Ella, the Australian girl who drove us from Blenheim to Kaikoura and who offered us her chips
- Scott, who drove us from Kaikoura to Christchurch, made a short earthquake tour with us and gave us his business card just in case we need to go to the West Coast
- And of course all the people we mentioned above!!!!